Professional Certifications in Marketing with the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)

Date Posted:Thu, 2nd Apr 2020

Professional Certifications in Marketing with the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)

Darran Berry, Business Engagement Ambassador for the Chartered Institute of Marketing in Dubai shares why more people should consider a professional certification in Marketing.


As the world is constantly changing, the rate of this change seems to be quicker and quicker all the time. Crises forces change quicker.
The rate at which we receive information on multiple formats and medium naturally creates anxiety as we all need to process all this data rapidly and respond back just as quick.
We are currently experiencing the biggest social exercise in modern history. However, one point remains constant is that we are all have to market ourselves personally and professionally.
Some people do this naturally and some just need a gentle nudge in the direction. Here’s that nudge!

For over 100 years, CIM has supported, represented and developed marketers, teams, leaders and the profession. We’re the world’s leading professional marketing body with over 30,000 members worldwide.
With 130 CIM study centres in 36 countries, delivering our world-renowned qualifications and over 80 training courses, we’re uniquely able to improve marketing capability at an individual and business level.
Whenever and wherever we represent our members and industry, we maintain these brand values which reflect our Royal Charter status.
CIM advocates on 4 pillars - Career, Capability, Content and Community. CIM offers online and virtual courses to members.
Would you not like to have letters after you name? ACIM , FCIM etc
CIM offers membership levels according to your experience as well as CIM training levels, advancing along until you can one day become a chartered marketer!
Now is the time to try new things, not do the same thing in different packaging.
For more information on how CIM can help you and your business environment, please contact using the website or or t: +44 1628 427120